Oracle MOOC : SQL Fundamentals (2018) : Lesson 4: DML, DDL, User Access and Data Dictionary Views
Congratulations on making it to Lesson 4! This is the last week of the SQL Fundamentals MOOC.
Till now, you have learned the various ways to retrieve data from the database tables. This week, you will learn to create tables and manage data in those tables. In lesson 4, you will learn to do the following:
- Create and modify tables
- Insert and manage data
- Handle database transactions
- Control user access
- Query Data Dictionary views
Please watch each video carefully to ensure that you get the information you need to complete this lesson. The videos and tutorials are listed sequentially, and we recommend that you use the instructional materials in that order. At the end of the lesson, don’t forget to take the quiz.
Solve the homework assignments to improve your understanding.
Ask any question or leave a comment in the SQL MOOC Community.
Good luck!
Instructional Materials
4-1: Getting Started
4-2: Inserting Data
4-3: Modifying and Deleting Data
4-4: Creating Tables
4-5: Defining Constraints
4-6: Modifying Data Structures
4-7: Handling Transactions
4-8: Controlling User Access
4-9: Introducing Data Dictionary Views